Q & A

Q & A Information from the WYN

Committees and Officers   
Communications and Data Protection   
WI Meetings   

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Committees and Officers

Do Treasurers have to give a financial report at every meeting?   
Not at every meeting but regularly through the year - 4 or 5 times a year.   

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Communications and Data Protection

When do I need to Bcc when sending an email to a group of people?   
When you send a message to more than one person, you have the option to enter addresses in the "Cc:" and "Bcc:" fields. "Cc" stands for "Carbon Copy", while "Bcc" stands for "Blind Carbon Copy".
Blind carbon copying is a useful way to let others see an e-mail you sent without the main recipient knowing. It is faster than sending the original message and then forwarding the sent message to the other recipients.
It is also good ‘netiquette’ to use Bcc when copying a message to many people. This prevents the e-mail addresses from being captured by someone in the list who might use them for spamming purposes. However, if it is important that each recipient knows who your message was sent to, use carbon copy (Cc) instead.
When you send an email to a large group, e.g. a number of WI members, then you MUST Bcc so that your contact details are not shared with people you do not know.

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Are WIs and members allowed to copy WYN for their members?   
Please note that our newsletter is a copyrighted publication, and therefore, must not be photocopied by committee members and given to your members for free. The hard copy is available to order from the Federation at a low cost of 46p an issue; to print on average six A4 colour pages will cost you more to print at home! The eWYN at 5p an issue (55p for 11 issues) is produced so that members can read it on their electronic devices and not print off - it is intended to be an environmentally friendly issue.
Please support your Federation and subscribe to receive the WYN. Members can read about all the benefits of being a WI member and the events that are organised and may be of interest to them at Federation level. The WI is what you make of it!
Why does WYN incur a cost?   
The office, as well as the input of paid staff, incurs a cost which has to be paid for. The proportion of the membership fees we receive does not actually cover the office overheads including staff salaries, therefore this is one of the reasons why WYN and eWYN cannot be given to members free of charge.
We strive to keep the cost of WYN to a minimum with the help of limited advertising and we do not aim to make a surplus.
I have often thought about being a Federation Trustee but don’t know what it involves?   
There is a guide to being a Federation Trustee - a short interactive course for members who would like to find out what being a Federation Trustee involves can be accessed on the WI Moodle. After completing the course, if you decide you may be interested in being a Federation Trustee, please contact your federaration office. This course would also benefit existing Federation Trustees who would like to refresh their skills and knowledge.   

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WI Meetings

Do you have to read out the Record of your Monthly Meeting?   
You do not have to read them out aloud at your meeting - as long as they are made available to all members at your meeting either emailed prior to the meeting and/or displayed for members not on email to read.   
How do WIs take Proxy Votes?   
WIs can decide whether or not they would allow ‘proxy voting’ at WI Annual or Special Meetings.
♦ The WI can take a vote on it
♦ If yes, decide who the proxy vote is to be left with. It can be a member chosen by the absent member, the WI Secretary, or the WI can give its members a choice
♦ The member carrying the proxy vote should not disclose it and should fully comply with secret ballot voting.

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