Welcome to Example Federation

Welcome to the West Yorkshire Federation
Tracey Lewis is our Federation Chair.
The Federation runs events organized by the various teams that give members the opportunity to learn something new in a friendly atmosphere. Meeting up with members of other WIs and exchanging tips and ideas. These workshops and events are great fun – why not give it a try?
Our various teams work hard to provide workshops and events, outings and holidays across a vast range of subjects to ensure there is really something to suit everyone. The team members are all volunteers and WI members.
The Federation has a monthly newsletter – West Yorkshire News (WYN) and this is available to all members as a paper copy or an eWYN. This keeps members informed of what is happening in our Federation and communicates information from NFWI. We aim to ensure that members get the most from their membership.
The Federation Office is situated alongside the canal in Rodley, Leeds. Members are always welcome to call in or better still take part in the many workshops and training days that are held there. The office is also the base for the small team of people who manage the Federation for its members. A regular bus service from Leeds and Keighley runs past the office, and there is plenty of ‘on street’ parking.
We are always pleased to welcome members, prospective members and visitors at the majority of events held either around the Federation or in the WIs.
For more information please follow us on Facebook: The West Yorkshire Federation and Instagram: westyorkshirefedwi to get up to date information on all events and activities. If you require more help and/or information, please email the Federation Office at westyorksfed@gmail.com.